Travel Tips for Women Going to India

Brian M. Williams, JD
5 min readOct 9, 2023

A collection of short interviews with people who’ve been to India AND Indian Men

As difficult as travel can sometimes be, it is without question more difficult for women. That female travelers have more concerns related to safety and treatment, among other things, is something I understand but will never fully comprehend. When it comes to India, however, some of its more extreme cultural differences surrounding gender made these issues easy to see, even for me. So while I was there for several months a few years, I started asking travelers AND Indian men what tips they’d give to women who were coming to this ancient, magical place. Here is what they told me:

As a girl traveling in India, I found it was best to keep some extra room in my budget for incidentals. There were many times when we would get to a cheap room found on HostelBookers only to find it felt completely unsafe (especially in Delhi). -Becca, Canada

If you’re booking a trip like a camel riding or a hostel ahead of time, ask them for a pick-up when you get to town. Most will gladly oblige. -Rhul, India

Don’t see the staring as rudeness, but recognize it for curiosity. -Carleen, USA

Stand up for yourself. You don’t have any obligation to give money to children. You don’t have any obligation to buy something from that…



Brian M. Williams, JD

IB Theory of Knowledge Teacher, Writer, Traveler, Mardi Gras DJ with a JD. Author of “Stranger in a Stranger Land: My Six Years in Korea” and “When a